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The Philosophy

Tradinnovative and in touch with nature!

Everything we do is connected to our wines. In a traditional family business like ours we have lived in close conatct to our vines for generations and this connection is a very important aspect of our lives. Out of this grows an obligation to a thoughtful and cautious use of natures resources but also a strong motivation for making the very best out of it. This leads quite naturally to a constant strive for the highest wine qualities and we would never want to see it differently.

Various bottles of our fine
    wines Awareness of tradition and affinity with nature are most important in our daily work. On the other hand we certainly do not refuse new ideas by default. Not every tradition is good simply because things have always been done this way just as not every new trend is a smart thing to follow. Considering this it is very important for us to combine modern winemaking techniques which add to wine quality and old traditional methods wherever reasonable and possible. We do simply call this Tradinnovation. Our position as a family business with manageable size enables us to heed all our vinyards and wines individually and with great experience. We are able to create wines which we do enjoy as well as more and more people all over the world.

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