This website was created by Andreas Schreiner. The goal was to make a modern designed
appealing site, while strictly applying to HTML and CSS standards. Unforunately the latter seems to be a
problem for a lot of web-pages thus originating quite a unnecessary mess with browser
incompatibilities. Plainly that means: Every standard
compilant browser should display this website just fine !!! If anything
nontheless doesn´t work as expected, please send a short e-Mail to
Alternatively you can use our contact form
The site was successfully tested with quite some different browsers on different
operating systems. Your screen should at least be capable of displaying 800 by 600
pixels and a colour depth of 16 bit to ideally render this site.
tested browsers are:
- All browsers based on the Gecko rendering engine. Tested were Netscape Navigator 6
and 7, Mozilla version pre1.0 to 1.7.x (including Mozilla Firerox) and Camino under
MacOS X Linux and Windows operating systems (as far as the the browser is available
for the specific operating system - Camino is only available for MacOS X for
- Opera, tested were the versions 5.x-8.x under Windows, MacOS 9 and MacOS X.
- Internet Explorer, tested were the IEs of Win98 to WinXP and version 5.x under MacOS
9 and MacOS X (as far as available).
- Browsers based on the KHTML rendering engine, tested were Konqueror 2.x and 3.x
under Linux and Apples Safari as well as OmniWeb 5 under MacOS X.
- OmniWeb 4.x under MacOS X
Only partly suitable browsers:
- Netscape Navigator 4.x or earlier. This browser has a lot of problems with CSS and
unfortunately also with standard compatible HTML. An accomodation of the website for
this browser would mean to renounce HTML standards which absolutely wasn´t an
option for me. Apart from that, Netscape 4 can be considered to be a little bit
antiquated by now, there are lots of newer, faster and free browsers available
today, so there is absolutely no reason to
still use it!
- iCab: Unfortunately iCab still has its problems with CSS and also with spacings
within tables as it seems (can be seen at the navigation-bar on top of every page).
Since this browser is still under development, and the problems are well documented,
they have already been solved in the current, not yet openly available, version
3beta, and the browser will soon be considered to be fully compatible. iCab was
tested using the more than 10 years old MacOS 7.1 and up to the current MacOS X
10.4. After its completion this browser is explicitely suitable to view this sites
with 16 Mhz "fast" (yes your read right sixteen) old Macintosh computers. If you are
willing to cut down your expectations regarding resolutions and colours and to be a
little patient of course ;-)
The website already passes the HTML compatibility-test feature of iCab, check out
the icon at the bottom of this site.