Welcome to Sonnenmulde Estate Winery !
At our website you can find information about wine,
winegrowing in general and of course about our winery. You can find out about the wines
we make, and even get some insight into winemaking itself. What you unfortunately
can´t do, ist to taste our wines.
You have the possibility to visit our winery and try wine there though, or you could do
so at one of the events we are participating. If you plan to visit our vinery we ask you
to briefly announce that before.
The upcoming events where you can meet us are:
- Golser Weinfrühling
("Wine in the Spring" Gols) from the 22nd to 23rd of April 200. You can visit about
80 wine cellars and wineries of our village. We are also participating, and you are
of course very welcome to visit our winery which you can find under the number 56 in
the calendar of events.
If you don´t have the chance to visit one of these events, you can still learn what
other people which already know our wines, think about them. In our guestbook, wine professionals, wine fans as well as
all people interested in wine, have the possibility to write down their experiences and
impressions related to our wines. Although most of it is written in German, you are
cordially invited to add an entry. And you may use English too of course.
Es gibt auch eine deutsche Version, klicken Sie
einfach auf das entsprechende Symbol unten auf jeder Seite.