The current winter has not yet shown its grim side and it has been relatively warm all through the holiday season and the past weeks. We use the opportunity to go out pruning our vines as long as the sun is shining.
Winter pruning is one of the most time-consuming tasks of our year. Every single vine is examined and pruned specificly to support its development during the next season. Almost all shoots from the last year are removed and only about two handful of buds remain for new growth. That does require skill and experience but at the current weather conditions work does go along smoothly.
Vines can be pruned almost until they start growing again sometime in April. Still January and February are the months were most of the work ist done since later on other tasks are at hand. This means that currently the vineyards of Gols are almost as busy as during the harvest. Only it gets dark at about half past four every day and we can enjoy an early, nice and quiet evening after a day's work.