2010-5-10, 12:19 am
Walking through a vinyard in this time of the year it's pretty easy to spot red ribbons wound around
grapevine shoots every few meters or so. What they are useful for is explained by the occurance of one
of the more dangerous pests in winegrowing, the Vine Moth.
Vine Moth (link to Wikipedia) or rather the Vine
Moths because there are actually two species are the most dangerous insects for winegrowing in the warm and
dry climate of our area. Their generations infest grape blossoms or grapes respectively. This alone would
not yet be too bad but the affected grapes start to rot immediately and we cannot allow that to happen. So
what to do?
We have to fight the Vine Moth, that's out of question. Here in Gols and all around
Lake Neusiedl both species find just excellent conditions and our vinyards seem to be tasty for them as
well. Of course we could just simply spray them to death but as an organic farm it's superfluous for us to
say that we don't think that this is a good idea at all. Just for the sake of completeness, killing every
insect and animal that moves in the vinyard ist not only bad behaviour for a decent human but horrendously
stupid as well. There has to be something better and there is - come the red ribbons!
Just like
many lepidoptera species the Vine Moths have an important weak spot that we canuse with quiet conscience as
orcanic winegrowers as well. The moths are very small and unremarkable, actually they look very similar to
clothes or flour moths. To enable the male and female moths to find each other in the vast environment, the
female moths distribute a very specific scent that only attracts males of the same species. We call the
chemicals they use pheromones. But what if we take the love-blind males and just "divert" them a bit? This
idea is already well established. All over the vinyards and the area around them we distribute these red
ribbons that are totally covered with pheromones. The area is flooded with them and the male Vine Moths are
unable to find their mates. This method is thus called "mating disruption" - obvious, isn't
The nice thing about this ist that it does not affect any other insects or animals. And some
Vine Moths can still find a mate and lay eggs which prevents the species from becoming endagered. We can
also live with small amounts of affected grapes and everyone is happy. How nice would it be if all things
were so easy.