Hey! Just turned around and it's 2014 already. Time is running fast and we're keeping ourselves busy. We took a little break over the holiday season and are now striving refreshed into the new year.

We were spared cold and bad weather until now. Apart from the everlasting fog that is so typical for our area in winter it has always been quite pleasant outside. Of course we took advantage of that and are already almost done with winter pruning of the vines.

But now it's time to devote some time to the cellar and it's young wines. Bottling the 2013 whites is coming up. The young 2013's are already in their bottles since late autumn but the others have had some more time to age and develop. In fact we are really satisfied with this vintage's whites. The last year did have it's share of problems but the outcome was definitely worth every effort. So we're definitely looking forward to the bottling and many subsequent tastings.

This is what we'll spend the next weeks with, before the first fairs and exhibitions start again at the end of the month. Then the best part of all the work will finally begin - the tastings :-)