Every year presents new challenges to a winemaker. Our soils are given, the climate is set by our growing region but the weather provides suspence and influences the year's work in each vintage. Many years of experience, a watchful eye on nature and a sense for its development are necessary for the aspired outcome - the best quality of the harvested grapes.

Every year gives a bit of its specific character to the wines. In the vineyards and above all in the cellar we strive to create the very best wine from the harvested grapes and we belief we're doing a good job of it. Still every vintage has its distinctive features and this is a good thing. It is after all what makes wine tasting so interesting and rewarding. There are always new things to discover and it never gets boring. To assist your endeavours in wine culture we offer information about past vintages and the wines we harvested then. Use them for inspiraton, information, comparisons, tastings or just enjoy reading.