2011-2-5, 5:46 pm
Time flies and the new year is already one month old. Winter pruning is now almost finished as well so
what to do with our time?. But wait - there was something! Of course our great wines are not only for
making and enjoying them ourselves but for sale as well. So February ist just right for a fair time.
Maybe not weather-wise but still nice for tastings and exhibitions.
Just by chance all our German wine exhibitions fall into the month of February this year. Currently the
WineStyle is ongoing and we are of course participating. Next
weekend we take a break but just after that are the
BioFach in Nuremberg
and the
Weinmesse Berlin which ist the
last exhibition for the month. So if you are anywhere close to one of the locations at the right time, just
come by for a nice tasting of our great wines. Don't be shy, we are looking forward to it!
Austrian customers need not to be worried after this Germany centric month tough. There might just be a
little wine left for the Innsbruck and Dornbirn Spring fairs which will be held in March and April
respectively. We'll meet you there. All of our dates and events can as always be found most easily in our
calendar of events.