2006-11-4, 2:10 am
Following some preparation time we are now ready to regularily offer news and insights into our winery
and the development of our wines.
Hear about the current works in the winery, how our wines are doing and read about events where you can meet
us. Of course you have the possibility to make comments about everything you read here. We are looking
forward to hearing from you and are eager to learn about your views. We hope that you have an enjoyable time
on our webpages and even more so with our wines.
Das erste Kommentar
von: Andreas Schreiner - am 4.11.2006 - 16:37 h
Benützen Sie bitte die Kommentarfunktion um uns Ihre Meinung zu unseren aktuellen Themen
Please use the comment function to tell us your opinion about our current topics.
Riesling sei Dank
von: Michael Bartenstein - am 5.11.2006 - 13:49 h
Zuletzt waren Chorsänger - eigentlich der ganze Vorstand der Chorgemeinschaft Hittisau - bei uns zu
Gast und haben eueren Riesling so gelobt. Riesling und Schreiner sei Dank!
Liebe Grüße nach Gols - aus Vorarlberg - Fam. Michael und Isabell Bartenstein aus